
Frequently Asked Questions

Q: When does CYO Volleyball registration open?

A: Registration opens mid-November for both Travel and Intramural leagues. Registration closes 12/31.

Q: Who is eligible to play St. Edward CYO travel Volleyball?

While our intramural program is open to anyone, there are specific requirements for a child to be eligible to play travel volleyball, they must either be a parishioner of St. Edward the Confessor church (located on Jackson Ave in Syosset) or reside within the St. Edward parish boundaries (or reside in the boundaries of an adjacent parish that does not host a CYO travel basketball program). To see the St. Edward boundary map visit: https://cyoli.org/parish-boundary-maps.  Note, Jericho and Woodbury addresses are eligible to play at St. Edward CYO. If a child resides in Hicksville, Plainview and Syosset addresses south of Northern State Parkway only CYO Long Island (CYOLI) central office can determine eligibility to play at St. Edward (https://cyoli.org/).

Q: How do I register a child for St. Edward’s CYO travel and Intramural Volleyball?

Click the link on the main www.stedwardscyo.org webpage, which will take to the registration site. Login into your account, select the child you want to register and proceed with registration. If you want to register more than 1 child, repeat the process for each child. If you do not have a sportsengine account, please create an account and then complete registration. 

Q: When is CYO Volleyball season played?

A: Travel practices start mid-February. The regular game season typically runs from the 1st weekend in March and ends late April. There are 10 matches. Playoffs for qualifying teams can run another 2 weeks (single elimination).

Intramural practices start mid-March and matches typically run from late March through early May.

Q: When, where, and how often are practices?

A: Travel & intramural practices are held once a week for 1 hr on a weekday evening. Day & time of practice are subject to coach’s availability.

Practices are held at Syosset School District gyms and St Edward gym.

Q: Where are games played?

A: Travel games can be played home (in Syosset) or away (mostly in Nassau County; sometimes in Suffolk, ie Commack & Amityville). Intramural games are played in Syosset School District gyms and St Edward gym.

Q: When are games played?

A: Travel games are typically played on weekends, but on occasion can be scheduled for a weeknight due to gym availability.

Intramural games are typically played on weekends.

Q: What is the difference between Travel vs intramurals?

A: Travel can be more competitive and requires some level of volleyball experience. Travel also requires the family commitment to ensure your daughter has transportation to attend Away games. Intramurals do not require experience but often girls play both Travel & intramurals so the level of play is enjoyed by all.

Q: How do I volunteer to coach my daughter’s team?

A: teams are either coached by a parent volunteer(s) or a paid coach, if a parent volunteer is not available. The fee for a paid coach is in addition to the registration fee and is determined between the coach and parents.

Any parent interested in volunteering for a head coach or assistant coach role please send an email to cyosports@stedwardscyo.org. 

CYO Long Island requires all coaches to complete training in advance of being eligible to coach. Please register for these courses @  https://cyoli.org/registration-for-coaches-orientation and http://www.virtusonline.org/virtus/reg_list2.cfm?theorgid=17044&theme=0. Completion of both courses is required and both courses are a one-time requirement and applicable to all CYO sports.

Volleyball 2025

2025 Volleyball Season

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